Tuesday, November 01, 2005


It's 12:23am. I entered this contest to write 50,ooo words by the 31st of this month. I have written 232. I like to think of myself as a Green Bay Packers kind of guy. Sometims I have to get behind everyone else to forge ahead and win. At least that's the story I'm telling myself.

I wanted to slate my day tomorrow as basically a do nothing day, and a reservation to enjoy my birthday in my own way. That's not going to happen. I have to go to Court tomorrow morning, and I have to go to Westchester County as well. Now that sounds like a whole lot of fun.

I still don't know why my emotions rule me the way they do, but I feel them in intensity. Maybe I will actually accomplish some of the things I was meant to set out to do. What's the worst that could happen?

I'm very horny, but I came about 5 times yesterday. Just figured I would add that for possible shock value.

Do I have a poem in me? Let's see

Somewhere between lust and love
Lies me
Temporarily satiated
But not yet complete
Behold the appearance you can't comprehend
Reach out and touch my physique
Know that I strive to be a self created myth
Let me whisper in your ear
And you will never be able to resist


Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday dearest "mr. lawyer man with more backbone than i'll ever have ribs"
Happy wonderful scorpian Birthday to Yooooouuuuuuu

Even though you'll be caught in the trenches of daily responsibilities, I hope you have a moment of joy.

232 is a GREAT start! You have a whole bloody month to drink copious volumes of alcohol, coffee, and water to ride the great nanowrimo train. A little ever day can make all of the difference, like a road less traveled, a spoon full of sugar, or running from killer bees. But then again, depending upon how fast you can type, write, or export telepathically to word recognition software, you could do the remaining 49768 words the last day. I'll be popping in to check on your progress ... but for today
Happy Birthday

11:47 AM  
Blogger chase said...

try to fit in something for yourself (although the 5 times tells me you did a lot for yourself) (dont mind me that's jealusy talking....been a week or two for me, lol) even i its something small, do something for yourself....you're important. **muaaaah****

7:59 PM  

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