Sunday, February 19, 2006

A V Greene inspired poem

Here I am
My heart bare before the entire world
My past
Still echoes in my head
And I attempt to live in the present...instead
Of rehashing
Over and over again
The story that has played so many times
Pushing me to the brink until I literally went out of my mind
Does anyone really want to come close enough
So you can finally find
The source of my tears which have run in secret places where no one on this earth will ever see
The pain that has coarsed through every single inch of my veins
Until I became cold
Enjoying the misery and suffering I brought to those who were ultimately weaker than I
And tried to bask in the presence of my world
And I told each and every one of them I had no need to lie
And their sobs were music to the very essence of my soul
And when I looked down upon their attempts to mask the sorrow which ripped them apart
My fangs showed ever so slightly and I welcomed them into the fold
Of the forgettable past
Tossing them to the side since I told them they would never last
More than a temporary existence in my world which is the only place I exist
I repeated it before..I am don't try to resist
Just make your choices, and enjoy the quality of your risk
Because I have sat up night after night
Living a life that was never really mine
Finally I have come full circle
And for the first time since I can remember....I can finally find
A small


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