The moments we live for...
I think relationships get old when you basically....get used to each other. When people say that they have always maintained that newness...that "spark".....I would love to really speak with them and see how that becomes a reality..or it is something nice to say when you're in public.
For some of us...(way more people than I...not only am I sure..but I know)...there is that THING that you feel...when there is something new.....something that makes you...curious. This is not just with relationships, but even a new hobby...a new adventure you're embarking that gets you excited. I think we call that our passion.
When it comes to people though..there is something...about looking in someones eyes for the first time...and feeling that thing in the pit of your stomach that just...MOVES you. Sometimes it even happens by accident..when you happen to glance up and say in your head...."Damn.....she looks good..I didn't even CATCH that before". Then you get curious. And your curiousity leads to exploration. And your exploration leads to going down doors 1-4 (door number one-come on into my life.....and see what happens. door number two-chase me for a little while and then you can come on in. door number 3-there will be no entry into my life....get out of here....door number 4-Exploration started, you discovered what that person really is....and close it as quickly as possible).
I think that for some people, not only is there nothing in this world like that feeling....but you can get addicted to it. It's a shame I guess..beause we can miss out on a lot of what we already have....and what we already possess...because you're always lookiong for...that next thing..that next moment.
I can say this look in someone's eyes and be MOVED.....damn...there is nothing like that.
For some of us...(way more people than I...not only am I sure..but I know)...there is that THING that you feel...when there is something new.....something that makes you...curious. This is not just with relationships, but even a new hobby...a new adventure you're embarking that gets you excited. I think we call that our passion.
When it comes to people though..there is something...about looking in someones eyes for the first time...and feeling that thing in the pit of your stomach that just...MOVES you. Sometimes it even happens by accident..when you happen to glance up and say in your head...."Damn.....she looks good..I didn't even CATCH that before". Then you get curious. And your curiousity leads to exploration. And your exploration leads to going down doors 1-4 (door number one-come on into my life.....and see what happens. door number two-chase me for a little while and then you can come on in. door number 3-there will be no entry into my life....get out of here....door number 4-Exploration started, you discovered what that person really is....and close it as quickly as possible).
I think that for some people, not only is there nothing in this world like that feeling....but you can get addicted to it. It's a shame I guess..beause we can miss out on a lot of what we already have....and what we already possess...because you're always lookiong for...that next thing..that next moment.
I can say this look in someone's eyes and be MOVED.....damn...there is nothing like that.
gil, I need you to call me asap 201.521.9742
Your last blog is very deep... It tells a lot about life as it really is,.... Most of us deny we are always searching for that high a new experience gives us,.... In reality we are all looking for that same feeling,.... Although many of us may say we are happy where we are, It's really just the way we think we should feel, Many do it with drugs or alcohol,..... Then there are those that never feel that excitement of their heart racing their blood pumping as they approach a new thrill that life throws their way...Those are the ones that loose so very much, Better to have at least tried then to have lost without the experience
The newness is great and then that too wears off so then where do you go from there? I think sometimes we leave the old and we get so caught up in the new. And then the new becomes just like the old and we say wait, I'm back to square one. Newness is a vicious cycle in that once it happens, it's gone. Doing new things can be good. New jobs can be good, new places to visit, new experiences, new foods but when it comes to new people, tread lightly because before you know it time passes and that new is now old.
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