Saturday, March 04, 2006

The need for attention

I still don't understand this need for attention. Why do I feel compelled to have someone pay attention to me? Acknolwedge me? How can I eliminate this pattern? In the Landmark Forum Landmark Education: Sharing The Landmark Forum they call this the "looking good". I think it bothers me today because even my I writing this to just release my own feelings and be able to look back upon them and see if I have improved...or notice things that I can do to change myself in order to live a more powerful life? I doing it because I want other people to READ me.....know me?
Yes, I want to hear "That's an attractive man" or "Wow...he's smart. A nice guy..a great guy...a giving man". All of those things. Don't most of us, if we tell the truth? (I was going to say the honest truth...but that's opposed to the dishonest truth?) And isn't that what leads us to giving power over to other people? Depending on what they say, and what they do or how they react to us in order to feel happy? And when they don't.....that's where the pain comes in? How do I let this go? Well...I guess I'll figure it out one day...


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