Sunday, March 26, 2006

To Jennifer Paige-Crush

Seep through every inch of me
Become my very existence
Show me what life truly can be
Crush every ounce of the strength of my resistance
Be the one all others wish they were
Bask in the glory that you earn just by being you
Whisper in my ears that good sh*t that only I know is really true
Caress those places no one else sees in the hidden recesses of the dark
Breathe fire into the ice as you melt me with passion and embrace me as you begin that small spark
That explodes into the white hot explosion of sinsation that melts anything lying in it's way
Then take me by my hand, stare dead into my eyes so I can finally hear you say
I want you
I need you
I don't care what reality is supposed to be
But I am here
And there is no need to be hesitant or embrace any type of fear
Because when I am in your arms and you hold me near
There is power that can't be put into words
And even the strength of my articulation of desire seems so absurd
The day will come when you will know who I am and shiver with anticipation
And until that day comes belive in who I am
Be glad the choice that will come did not have to be made

Jealousy, Love and Goals

What is jealousy? What really is this emotion made out of? Is it some type of ego infraction? Why is it so destructive...and why ..although you know better, is it so POWERFUL at times. Allow me to give you an illustration. There was a time in my former life (you know pre-1997) when I was seeing someone who was involved with a man, and I had my girlfriend at the time. I would be jealous when she would talk about them going out, getting together, etc. Now that makes NO sense whatsoever. Both of us agreed that we were involved with other people, and we liked it just fine. I was happy in my relationship, but yet, this emotion...would eat away at me sometime.
To this day, there are times when I hear about people travelling, going places, seeing plays, being with their family, just...doing things. I get jealous. And the most interesting thing is...I have ALL these things..and I do all those things. And yet......*jealousy*
Why? It's like mind can do a dance that is AMAZING....sending me into the pit of scenarios which almost literally drive me crazy. Why? What function does that have? And how powerful is that in my life? I really don't know......but I do know that I want to eliminate it (yeah...good luck huh?)
Well..I'll do the love and goals post another time, I have to finish a petition for relocation I'm tired LOL :)