Sunday, July 08, 2007

My high school reunion..and other things

My high school reunion was yesterday. 20 years. Wow. It really doesn't seem like 20 years. Now the first interesting thing is that when I look back at high's not like I had a large group of very close friends...but attending the reunion reminded me that yes....I actually did know a few people, and a few people know me. I was reminded of my reputation.....class clown. Yep...I loved making people laugh then...and love making people laugh now. Well..kind of sort of.
It's amazing the law of averages kick in. I remembered exactly 2 people there...neither of who remembered me.......(One was an asian girl I used to pull her hair all the time.....I have a clear memory of that..since I still have her senior year picture saying "stop pulling my hair")..and the other was Jean-Grey....who is now Jean Augente.....she had NO CLUE who I was....there was a girl who did remember me named Helen Smith...and I have absolutely no clue why I don't remember who she was...'cause looking at her..ummm.....yep..she's my type...well.....I reallly didn't date white women or have an interest for the most part back then.......(and since I'm married..I guess that would mean I don't date white women..or any other women right now LOL :).........All of that being was nice. Great catching up with a few people I haven't seen since was nice.

My frat brother/best friend Jeff received his letter in the mail....his wife is asking for a seperation..timing couldn't have been better........I hope things will be OK with him..I would really like to see him get back together with his wife......emotional shit is sooo complicated...why can't it be easier? Why do we have to go through get to the pleasure? I think the only thing that keeps some of us sane when we hurt sooo knowing that it will all be better in a matter of time..and the only good thing about hitting that it's the BOTTOM..and there is nowhere to go but up.
But you know..sometimes it would be just....BREATHE>
I feel like i haven't been breathing for a long while......just....BE...relaxed..have fun..and smile.