Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Handle Me

Handle me
Reach deep inside you to places you have never gone before
Whisper in my ear until I can no longer endure
The comfort that makes me so sure
You are down for me without question
And it's not even about the sessions
The moans and screams
The orgams exceeding the wettest dreams
The blood on my back
And your hair in my hand
While you look into the mirror
And truly understand
Temptation in the flesh
As our essence mesh
Wondering which one is worse than the other
While my sweat drenched physique
Slowly starts to smother
Whatever past was your reality
And you become my definition of fantasy

It's about
That emotional connection that everyone longs for
And the days and nights that both of us swore
We would never be here again
And yet

Forming your personality-drawing the line

So. We all know that we have our limits to our personality. What is it that we will put up with? What is it that we won't? When will we change? When do we forgive..when do we seek retribution. I am reminded about my own limitations, what I set for myself. I know that deep inside of me..I think I made an entry earlier about whether I am cold or warm inside. Deep inside of myself, at my center, there is warmth. I can be warm and make decisions that other people don't like. But I really think that at my center I am love.

However, outside of this center....encasing that ice. It is the cold look I get in my eyes that let's someone else know "I'm not the one". The look I get right before I'm about to say something crazy in court....or right before I'm about to tell someone something they don't want to hear. I also know that there is a certain amount of glee in my eyes before I do anything like if someone else, or some situation has released that part of me, and allowed me to inflict in my negative side. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. I do know one thing. I have hit a limit of mine...and as Tupac said "There's going some stuff you gonna see..that's gonna make it hard to smile in the future" What is it that we hold on make those hard decisions? To be comfortable with things we wouldn't have done otherwise? I digress....I just want to look back at this post...and remember...there are times when a fork in your road is arrived at, and after seeing what I have can close just a peice of your heart....again.